DCC Basketball
4K & K Basketball Program
Estimated practices will be Saturdays starting in January – Mid February at 10am-10:45am at the Elementary School Gym.
Registration closes early November.
1st Grade Basketball - Co Ed Program
Estimated practices/games will be Saturdays starting in January - Mid February at 9am-9:55am at the Elementary School Gym.
Registration closes early November. Special requests will not be accepted.
2nd Grade Basketball - Boys & Girls Programs
Estimated practice start date will be late November, early December
Estimated games will be Saturdays starting in January – Mid February at 8am-8:55am at the Elementary School Gym.
Registration closes early November. Special requests will not be accepted.
Youth Traveling Basketball program - 3rd-8th grade boys
For traveling teams, each grade would have a team with a maximum of 10 players. Players will be accepted on the traveling teams on a first-come, first-served basis.
Estimated practice start date will be early November. Game dates are in January and February and to be announced.
Registration closes mid September.
For all teams, we need a lot of volunteers to serve as coaches, assistant coaches, referees, concession workers and Open Gym supervisors.
Youth Traveling Basketball program - 3rd-8th grade girls
For traveling teams, each grade would have a team with a maximum of 10 players. Players will be accepted on the traveling teams on a first-come, first-served basis.
Estimated practice start date will be early October. Game dates are in November and December and to be announced.
Registration closes mid September.
For all teams, we need a lot of volunteers to serve as coaches, assistant coaches, referees, concession workers and Open Gym supervisors.
If you have any questions, please contact Ryan at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or at 608-764-5935 ex 4.
Deerfield Community Center is an independent nonprofit (meaning we are not funded by taxpayer dollars). While our program fees and volunteer requests may be different than other communities, we have the same goal. We strive to provide a positive program experience to all participants.