DCC Fall and Spring Youth Soccer Leagues
K - 3rd Grade
Kindergarten & 1st Grade Soccer
Soccer games are at Savannah Park Soccer Fields, Saturday mornings, 9:30am-10:30am.
2nd & 3rd grade Soccer
Soccer games are at Savannah Park Soccer Fields, Saturday mornings, 8:30am-9:30am.
K-3rd Grade Fall games will be held for 6 weeks (Mid September-Mid October) on Saturday mornings. Practices will start early September, are at least one evening a week on either Tuesday or Thursday, and are set by the coach.
K-3rd Grade Spring games will be held for 6 weeks (Mid April- Mid May) on Saturday mornings. Practices will start early April, are at least one evening a week on either Tuesday or Thursday, and are set by the coach.
Registration Fees and Deadline
Online registration closes mid-August.
If a potential refund is needed to cancel registration, you can request a household credit for the full refund amount or you can request a refund less a 5-dollar processing fee, depending on the timing of the refund request.
4th-5th Grade Soccer
Soccer games are at Savannah Park Soccer Fields.
Fall practices/scrimmages will be held mid-September-mid-October. Spring practices/scrimmages will be held mid-April through mid-May.
For both seasons, practices are Monday evenings, from 5:00pm-5:45pm followed by scrimmages from 5:45pm-6:30pm.
Registration Fees and Deadline
Online registration closes mid-August.
If a potential refund is needed to cancel registration, you can request a household credit for the full refund amount or you can request a refund less a 5-dollar processing fee, depending on the timing of the refund request.
Volunteers needed to help run the soccer programs!
Coaches are always needed to help make this program a success for the kids. Please indicate on registration form your willingness to help out. You don't have to be an expert soccer player to coach. You just need to be good with youth and communicating at their level.
If you are interested in volunteer coaching, please contact Ryan at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or at 608-764-5935 ex 4.
The Deerfield Community Center is an independent nonprofit (meaning we are not funded by taxpayer dollars). While our program fees and volunteer requests may be different than other communities, we have the same goal. We strive to provide a positive program experience to all participants. Special requests will not be accepted.